Wednesday, July 13, 2011

an end has a start

I have just a little soapbox tidbit today.

It's true that you do not know how something you do to someone can hurt them until the same thing happens to you. Even then, you may not know because you do not have the same past experiences as that person to make you react to things the way you do.

That being said, have you ever had someone passive aggressively talk about you online in some form or fashion? I know many have. One of my closest friends was terribly slandered online by a group of people who seemed to only want to make her life miserable. Those people surely could have had no idea how much it hurts a person to be talked about in a forum where they cannot defend or speak for themselves. This happened to me also, but on a much simpler scale. It was a couple of sentences. Perhaps a venting from a particularly bad day. But it hurt nevertheless. It hurt a lot that what was said online could not be said to me in person. So in my last post, wrong though it may have been, I made a comment that was in much the very same nature as the one posted about me. I did it on purpose to make a point without blatantly stating it. One should not write things about people and hurt them if they cannot handle people writing about them in the same manner. In other words, if it hurts your feelings when people write about you, you should not write about others.

Keep your malicious thoughts to yourself online, at least. Tell a close friend or family member to get it off your chest and leave it at that. No one likes to be talked about in a mean way.

"someone hit the lights, because there's more here to be seen"

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