Sunday, June 12, 2011

magical mystery tour

Break for weird dream time.

Corey saved the world last night. Or this morning, I guess.

He was a secret agent. He cured all types of cancer by figuring out how to un-mutate the cells by studying the human genome.

Here is the story of how he saved the world. Backstory: US and Middle East were in a nuke battle and everyone was getting cancer. As a secret agent he went overseas collecting samples of everyone. He went back to the lab in the US to study how they mutated, and exposed non-sick samples to radiation to see how they mutated. And he "just figured it out." He changed the frequency of the radiation that was attacking the cells and made them stop mutating. He sent off another bomb with the new radiation to stop everyone's cancer cells from mutating, therefore, in dream-land, curing all cancer.

I almost ruined everything when I tried to wake him up to go eat the sushi I was talking about earlier.

"the magical mystery tour is hoping to take you away"

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