Tuesday, May 17, 2011

don't panic

I'm going to try something every once in a while in my blog. My boyfriend has the strangest dreams, and if he remembers them, I'm going to put them here. Apparently we both have some strange sleeping habits. Last night (and most nights, I guess) I tried to talk to him, but I wasn't making any sense. It's like I try to form words, and what I say is so close to words that it frustrates the hell out of him. But I'm just not coherent enough to form language.

He has paranoid dreams before he wakes up which makes him awake in the most foul mood. The first and second times he woke up this morning, he was in a panic about waking up late to get to work (he did not have to work today) and the third time, he panicked about the lawnmower stopping too close to where our dog poops, and he thought that we were going to get caught and kicked out of his apartment.

So we'll see if he remembers any good dreams, and I'll post them here :)

"everybody here's got somebody to lean on"

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